10phoenix01 GTA 5

Youtube video maker

9 Beliefs discovered | 9 Totals Votes

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The ability to learn from and admit mistakes is a thing that should be encouraged.

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War is not a solution to any world problem, it is a self-destructive behavior that can only cause more damage to humanity as a whole.

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Compassion will always help you and others.

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Having a better understanding of, for example, our environment, should lead us to take action upon it to improve and preserve it.
A life lived in hope for a better tomorrow is a life wasted when you could be living a better life today. Enjoy and respect your life.

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Because a free society unchains the individual from mental restraints that constrict the society as a whole. However, freedom is always at risk from those who take it for granted.

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Always be skeptical and encourage skepticism of new information.
Because knowledge empowers you and your fellow man in every aspect of your life.
Because as time progresses we need to rely more on reality rather than our own perspective.