Behnam Narian

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religions , how they found ? why they found ? they just think and go for a simple answer . what is the answer? answer is what I made !
imagine a year without any simple problem . can you even imagine it ? if we don't have even any problem in our lives how can we feel alive ?!
We live and die without knowing many things we want ,sometimes we are unable to know them , but suddenly some people come and say believe in my way and words and don't question back out of my boundaries! that's funny but fearsome !
that's a life ! for some it's science or development , for some just a little happiness, some people even like to be controlled or live for others sake and you can find some people like rule to others ... but at the end we live for or satisfaction other things are just excuses.
people like smooth words and think about all positive words but it's not all ! mistake,prejudice,greed,sloth,weakness...these word have a meaning for every single human, we don't like to hear something we don't like and by used to it we can be controlled and that happen a lot!!!

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overcome to your fear and you can see that how much cheap and unreasonable lie is .
If you have a better idea for something you care about its reasonable enough to take your own action , sometimes be a soldier is a waist of yours, if you see enough potential in yourself , try to make your own world ,you just live once.

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just living for others sake, others that even you don't believe in ?! choice is your ,but you don't live twice!