Christine Spallinger

Science enthusiast, comedy enthusiast, more of a retweeter than tweeter

5 Beliefs discovered | 1 Totals Votes

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Humor is invaluable in our everyday lives. It is an intelligent coping mechanism. It helps in our relationships and can defuse conflicts. Without it we can become ridgid and insufferable. With humor we can lighten up almost any circumstance and find happiness.

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How we treat others, ourselves and the world around us will have an outcome that is either negative or positive. It is in our best interest to make good choices.

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Kindness is at the foundation of our humanity. Our willingness to care about others not only helps them, but ourselves as well. When kindness expands it make for a more pleasant exsistance for everyone.

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Reasoning enables us to navigate ourselves through life. To think logically is what allows us to recognize fact from fiction and empowers us to make good choices.

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If there is evidence of something we will know it is true. This is how we understand reality from fantasy.