Christopher Page

U.S. Army-Active duty, Firefighter/EMT, Atheist, Married, 3 children(boys), 3 dogs (boys), Enjoy reading, guitar, games, nature hikes, family time, woodworking. ,Fort Rucker, AL

10 Beliefs discovered | 2 Totals Votes

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If you don't agree with atheism nobody cares, there's no punishment, no endless staircase. Quit worrying about passing go or collecting $200 because you only get one turn!
Asking, begging, or praying for someone else to fix your problems only allows the problem to remain a problem. Take responsibility for yourself, your achievements, and your failures.

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Forgiveness isn't about the quality or quantity of your words, it's the dedication you put into cleaning up your mess the integrity to not do it again.
Accepting something that is not tested, can not be tested, or is just impossible advocates laziness, irresponsibility, and ignorance.

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Look where one lie led to, a cult.

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The human anatomy can only reproduce another human naturally if a male and female... ... ... you know.
Individuals that believe they are not significant/special will accomplish more together because they are truly equal.

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If you don't know ask, research, review, test your theories, evaluate, if it fails start over. Don't be afraid to fail or be wrong. Being wrong and find the correct answer is better than accepting a wrong answer.

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Because no one has the right to change it
Humanitarianism is best described as selfless behavior that works to accomplish the greater good for everyone without compromising ones own integrity. Individuals must have the personal courage to address the issues that affect the majority.