Dominic Haerinck

Songwriter and composer, nature and science lover, music teacher and student of life ,Quebec City, Canada

10 Beliefs discovered

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Because it's the only way to know that something really exists.
Because it helps people understand why they do what they do and thus gives them a tool to not be a slave to their inner mechanisms, especially those that are harmful to oneself and others.

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Because falsehood always has a way to generate conflict and suffering, at every level (personnal and social).
Because essential things are those that provide real joy and inner peace. Unessential things are evanescent and only offer momentary pleasure and gratification.
Because it is the only real thing that exists. The past is memory, the futur, imagination. Both exist only as thoughts in the head. Only the now is real.
Because they nourish the body and the mind.
Because only then will one find genuine joy and satisfaction and because those activities are thus done only for their own sake and not for the hypothetical gain they might bring.
Because it helps communication and provide a wholesome perspective into interpersonnal relationship.
Because truth always generates more peace than lies in the long run and because it helps facing reality and not escape it.
Because that is what we are and that is the only way in which we'll be able to have meaningful relationships that are not sabotaged by our psychological mechanisms, by the image we want or fear to project, by our ego that is grasping at things or afraid of them.