Douglas Pocock

5 Beliefs discovered | 1 Totals Votes

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The Harm Principle is reasonable, but it limits consensual action. It is reasonable to accept consensual harm for rational and intellectually unimpaired persons: such as sports, sex, and other physical actions. (See: Belief #2 for non-human individuals.)
While current technology does not allow for resources gathering without environmental damage, it is reasonable to minimize harm. This is an ethical argument asserting that animals, while perhaps not sentient, still should have minimized non-consensual harm.

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A society based on education will produce rational members of society. This rule could also assert that we should treat the environment well, diseased animals and polluted rivers are not conducive to a rational society, as it can cause harm to individuals.

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All opinions that are factually based should be discussed in the public forum, however some individuals have opinions that are based without facts, these should be excluded from serious discussion. It is not reasonable to discuss ghosts/god without evidence to support the claim.

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Equal opportunity for all groups is essential to a reasonable society. Prejudices such as sexism, racism, classism, and other isms are unreasonable and counter intuitive to a reason based society.