Emma Breeze

7 Beliefs discovered

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4. All people and creatures are equal in that we are all products of the same natural mechanism: evolution.
7. Death is a necessary ingredient of a sustainable population. Accept the fact that we cannot cure every disease known to man and live without poverty.

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Not everything is the government's fault.

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You have freedom of speech, but not freedom to be taken seriously.
Education is vital for progression; however, I see so many privileged people with degrees who are among the most out of touch on this planet.
No-one can prove a creator exists. Then again, no-one can prove it doesn't either. However, each individual human is one of 7 billion others on an insignificant planet in a solar system of other planets... in an infinite universe. There is nothing special about any of us.

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If a creator does exist somehow, it certainly doesn't write petty human novels.