Бојан Драгићевић

10 Beliefs discovered | 22 Totals Votes

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Humans are only owners of their own lives and should be allowed to choose their own destiny, unless it violates rights and dignity of others. Human liberty is sacred and should not be restricted by state or religious beliefs,unless proven necessary to preserve freedom of others.
There is more than enough pain in the world, even without you.
In fact, there is enough pain, so you may as well try to neutralize some.
Thou shalt learn how to think, so you don't become a prey of those who would like to use you for their purposes.
Humans have rights, ideas don't. It is dangerous to give rights to ideas because they can kill humans.

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You must also be prepared to admit that you are wrong. Only by doing that you will become wiser.

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There is no need for you to be an immoral creature indeed. Don't cheat.
These are fundamental human values and methods, but they are constantly attacked. Be there to defend them at any cost.