Gregory Jones

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As the only known species to use the resources of the planet in abundance it should be our responsibility to care for the earth and all of its inhabitants. As humans grow in population, so do our needs. Finding a balance with the earth and its resources will prolong all species.
In the bible it says to honor thy mother and father, don't covet another man's wife, no god's before me, etc. What about the children who were brought into this world? Should we not use our strengths to help lift children out of poverty, slavery? They are the future.
Our community is diverse. We are well rounded people. We should strive to look at all sides and figure out solutions based on observable evidence. working together and communicating will focus our energies on the issues that are most pressing.
Being well rounded makes for better leaders, educators and citizens. The more we analyze and think critically, the more we can relate to others. education and experience create common ground for us all to build a better future.
Some think Atheists are "high and mighty" intellectuals and that we lack empathy. That we are cold and callous. The way we live should be the reflection of what we want to see in the world (loosely from Ghandi). Being a Humanist, is being a better person, friend in the world.
No situation should be elevated to where there is screaming and obsinities being thrown out. It is not worth fighting others if they are not willing to listen. If people are to busy trying to get their point across nothing you say will be heard or understood.
More often our lives can seem out of control. Sometimes we might feel overwhelmed. Finding balance by doing things you enjoy and taking time for yourself will open your mind and help alleviate stressor that prevent us from being our best.
Sometimes we might take things for granted, but if we can learn to embrace the things we do, like jobs or task we might view as secondary, with a passion and a fervor that is contagious, we can all become more excited about our present circumstances.
Some people are more fortunate than others. If we can remember to lift as we climb, as Angela Davis once said, we can form a chain fence that grows horizontally and vertically at the same time. Seeing others in need and offering assistance can start a chain reaction of goodness.
being true to yourself and to others will create trust and balance. It will open doors to new relations and places. IF we can remember to listen, dialogue and embrace the changing world we can become better and more well rounded.