Han Hills

Humanist ,NC

10 Beliefs discovered

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Life is finite and only travels in one direction. We must savor the short time we have and not imagine it a rehearsal or squander our days carelessly.
Knowledge and the quest for answers are the bedrock of civilization. We must be brave enough to keep our minds always open and never to accept what we are told without reason and consideration.
The tools of science and reason, allied with the energy of the mind and will to action, are what drive humanity forward. If we simply sit blindly hoping and praying we achieve nothing.
We are part of our planet and need it to survive. As part of the tree of life we have a duty to protect and nurture our environment for the leaves, flowers and branches to come after us.
Goodness does not come from written absolutist rules, but rather from principles which derive from empathy, love and a respect for life.
When we all seek to be part of a common drive for improvement we all gain. To do this we must nurture and champion others as much as ourselves.
Change is only achieved by taking action. The most effective actions are those we take together. In working with others to improve the quality of life and experience for all, we are also taking the strongest steps to improve life for ourselves.

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Every action, rule and belief must be continually weighed for its value in truth and our benefit to humanity. We must be brave enough to cast aside that which we find untrue or harmful and embrace new wisdom with stronger a foundation.
In dealing with each other and ourselves it is important to have the courage to face the honest truth which facts show us, but always then to seek the benefit or positive path from what perceive.
The only true afterlife is the legacy of the actions we take while we are alive. Every life and every action changes the world and sometimes the smallest can have a powerful impact on what comes after. For the most effective life we must consider the consequences of all we do.