harry diakoff

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Human identity appears to consist primarily of narratives- stories about ourselves and what lies beyond us- stories that may be visualized but are expressed in words. Things appear to exist independently of us, but acquire meaning to us through words.
Illusions embedded in traditional language separate us from a fuller appreciation of reality- its incomprehensible grandeur. The relative utility of alternative locutions for specific purposes must be compared unceasingly to identify the sources of illusion that impoverish us.
There is no way that language can aspire to such vision. One can only back toward holiness by keeping one's eyes on the task, ever more enjoyable, of escaping the prison of illusions. One can only really see what one is fleeing from, not what one is aspiring toward.
religion cannot presume to guide either ethics or aesthetics- but it can express and apply their congress.
It illuminates one's own religion with a light that cannot be generated from within. The traveller on an arduous but thrilling journey is sustained by companions. It provides a sort of triangulation toward the goal.

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None of its traditional characteristics have proven true- possession of a unique identity, an immortal soul, rationality, etc. etc. Heine said that Spinoza did not deny God, he denied man. In this he was undoubtedly correct. Sweeping the human out of the way creates a lot of room
This disposes of Whitehead's "fallacy of misplaced concreteness" and the human illusion of essences, and draws attention to the religious duty of improving the adequacy of our language for capturing reality and for drawing attention to what it cannot yet express.