Jack Albury

10 Beliefs discovered | 130 Totals Votes

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You never truly know someone's life, inside and out. If we empathized with people more, we'd judge them less, and we'd be more willing to help each other fix our problems in life.
A child can easily be indoctrinated into adopting any worldview. It can be racist, sexist, theist, atheist, etc. The true horror is not that it can be something that is "bad" or incorrect, but that it is something that's not theirs, yet dominated many aspects of their live's.

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The brain incredibly susceptible to change, in various ways. These changes can arise due to genetics, pharmacological factors, psychological factors, or environmental conditions. It is important we focus on finding a solution to this, rather than label people "crazy."

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Our driving force as humans should be the hunger to know. We know very little about our universe, and our thirst for knowledge should be unquenchable. The day we stop asking questions is the day we cease to exist.

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Ideas should always be criticized. We learn, and grow through criticism. The best form of education can often be criticism.

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It is likely this is the only life we live- this life is extremely valuable. You should not take that away from anyone.

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Never hide your true self from anyone, including yourself. Be honest, don't act a certain way for people. It is important you know yourself, so that you can love yourself and show others who you truly are, before someone can love you.

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People tell me I'm a pushover, and that people take advantage of kindness. While that may be true sometimes, if 9 people take advantage of your kindess, but you truly help a 10th person in need, then that is all that matters. We should never leave each other behind.

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Family doesn't have to be blood related. Anyone you consider family is family. It is important we love them, and support them to show them they are worthy of love, and everyone in this world is important. Sometimes family is all you have- it's good to have unconditional support.

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People tend to think the valuable life is one in which you get excellent grades, graduate an excellent school and land a high paying job, with a big house. People pursue this life so hard, they forget to live. Indulge your creative side, be fun, value art and excitement!