Jennifer Hancock

Writer, Speaker, Humanist, Dork.

5 Beliefs discovered

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Having the power to choose your behavior means you can choose to improve not only your life, but the lives of others.

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Why? Why not. You have a choice. Why be miserable. Why not try to bring a little bit of love and joy into the world instead of adding to the general misery. Enough bad things happen on their own. We don't need to be adding to the world's problems.

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The more your understanding of how the world works matches how the world really works, the easier it is to solve your problems.
As much as you may feel alone, you aren't. You are interconnected to all life on earth and to the universe. That's reality. So stop your existential angst and get on making the most of it.
Whether or not there is an afterlife is debatable. But we are alive now, so don't waste this chance hoping for another one you may not get.