Joseph Krupa

10 Beliefs discovered

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1. These are foundational attributes of constructive human relations and morality. [This the first of ten mutually reinforcing and synergistic beliefs.]
2. These are foundational practices for the progress of individuals and civilization.
3. These are the most rational and objective methods to discern truth from falsehood, fiction from non-fiction, and the most effective tools to avoid fooling others and ourselves.
4. Following this simple principle precludes evidence-free belief in "supernature," negating the basis of religious delusions, and the vast harm that comes from them. Secularism and humanism are superior to faith and religion for realizing truth and happiness.

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5. This is a recognition of the most valuable entity in the cosmos, and a broad, beneficial prohibition on harmful practices against other people, such as killing, stealing, et al.

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6. This establishes a personal expectation of empathy toward other people and, more broadly, the living world and natural environment. It transcends the "Golden Rule" to also include service to others as part of our common humanity.

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7. This recognizes the self-evident as a counter to moves to more authoritarian limits on freedom that often are a source of injustice, oppression, and avoidable human suffering.

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8. This is a vital, enduring social aspiration that is the basis for healthy and stable people and society.

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9. This connects individuals to the larger human family with a personal obligation for words and actions that work for greater social harmony and against social discord.
10. To continuously progress, this is an individual social obligation to future generations, to consider the actions of today on tomorrow, and to leave a world that is better than the one that was inherited.