Mathew Fehlandt

I know, for knowledge sake. I understand for understanding sake. I do not believe or have faith, as these words have no relevance to my existence.

9 Beliefs discovered

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Humanity has an overwhelming propensity for accepting truth without having underlying reasoned facts to back it up
Humanity disconnects itself all too frequently from nature. We consider ourselves apart due to our self awareness.
Humanity must know that we are grown, not made, as it will from the basis of how we think of ourselves
We consume negatively more than we contribute positively
Children are the beginning of how we will change our civilisation and through the power of their understanding we will affect change.
We often think that nature is cruel or unfair. Nature will find balance, but not against our moral judgement. She will use her own.
We tend to think that morality comes from a single source of universal truth but it isn't. Morality is defined by our perception of ourselves and the outcomes of our actions. Moral action is defined by intent and outcome.

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We often put our beliefs before the will of nature and expect to come out on top.
We often take a macroscopic view of ourselves thinking our troubles and judgements are significant. Significance is perspective driven. From a universal perspective , your pain and suffering means nothing.