Michael Jaquish

Michael is a retired Police Chief, Director of security for US Embassy operations in West Africa, an international security consultant and Author of over 15 books. Michael's ten secular tips for appropriate behavior can be found in his Science Fiction book: TIME LOVES A HERO, soon to be a motion picture and video game. ,Spokane, WA, USA

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[Ethics] Dedicating yourself to living a harmless life means exhibiting respect and compassion for others. Human beings are connected by their mutual need to survive and expand and protect the gene pool. Doing no harm and loving one another

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[World] In this case, ‘wisdom’ represents the accumulated knowledge and awareness derived over time by contemplative individuals conducting objective, unbiased searches for truth based on facts, not faith or belief, which can and does generate t
[World] Discovering the true nature of reality requires one to question, probe and test all things with a skeptical attitude and take nothing for granted. Seekers of truth must take joy in being proven wrong because ultimate truth is more important for the collective society than

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[World] ‘Faith’ is a major obstacle human beings encounter when they embark upon a mission to discover truth beyond the ancient, deeply embedded mythological stories that represent the history of the human journey through time. The antidote to bias that clouds perception is to a

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[Ethics] The ego is our biggest enemy because it separates us from others and generates tribalism, hatred, and envy. The more we focus on empathy and compassion for others, the more we diminish our ego.

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[Ethics] Human beings are social creatures and we thrive when we are connected with others. Valuing that connection and actively nurturing it leads to inner peace and happiness for individuals and society.

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[World] Even animals know better than to foul the nest they live in. Human beings need to be reminded that we do not ‘own’ the planet; we are merely participants in the enormous biology of this great organism we call Earth. When we injure our environment, we injure our selves,

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[Ethics] Generosity diminishes ego and reduces the sense of separation from others that generates depression and anti-social behavior. Conditional generosity is not really generosity at all.

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[World] The reason money cannot buy happiness is because it is impermanent. Attachments to impermanent things, relationships, and situations set us up for disappointment and we suffer when impermanent things we are attached to go away. Accept impermanence and be content with cha

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[Ethics] Regretting the past or longing for the future to arrive are forms of attachment that keep us from being happy in the here and now. Accept the present without regrets and you will reduce emotional turmoil that causes discontent.