Michael Weber

10 Beliefs discovered

Your Name


So much damage is caused by the needless, thoughtless spreading of bad information. Whether about vaccines or tire pressure, all claims should be subject to critical thinking before being spread as truth.
Enforcing belief, through violence, through intimidation, or any other means, is wrong. The validity of the beliefs do not justify imposing them by force.
Our food, our possessions, our transportation: all these things come from finite resources, and often involve the suffering of living creatures. Consumption must never be done frivolously.
All people are born equally capable of doing any kind of work, or fulfilling any dream.
The problems of the 21st century will require the most brilliant minds that we have to offer. We can ill-afford to allow such minds to languish in slums and prisons. This will be necessary not merely to make humanists, but to ensure our prosperous survival.
The internet is not a luxury, it is a necessity. For better or worse, it is now the repository of collective culture. All people deserve access, and no one should hold control over the quality and characteristics of that access. Net neutrality must prevail.
We have the charge of our bodies, our health, our face, our photos, and yes, our unique DNA. No one else, including a corporation or government, may lay claim.
Our privacy must not be violated. Plain and simple.
We have an obligation to speak out when we see something wrong. Failing to do so puts us in league with those who do wrong.
We must be mindful of what we do, of how our actions affect each other. We are more connected than ever before, and we are growing more connected still. We must act wisely.