Nicholas Ingram

Artist, Writer, Producer ,Canada

10 Beliefs discovered | 140 Totals Votes

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No ideas should be beyond analysis and criticism. When they are, dogmatic behaviour develops, which can lead to unhealthy and sometimes catastrophic consequences. Ideas shape our world and affect our actions, we should choose them wisely.

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The benefits of reading are endless. From broadening one’s perspective (resulting in greater empathy) to interpersonal communication (which encourages community) to memory retention (which strengthens one’s brain) not reading or suppressing another’s ability to read is unethical.
In addition to the fact that exercise boosts immunity, combats disease, increases brain function, prevents depression, raises levels of happiness and improves self esteem and sleep, its effects are felt by loved ones and strangers who enjoy your longer life and positivity.
Aside from being a positive experience for both the giver and the receiver, generosity has the snowball effect of promoting empathy, through the release of oxytocin, which in turn promotes further generosity.
These rights encourage critical thinking and the flow of information. They keep a check on power and offer a non-violent expression of autonomy. In places where such freedoms are considered essential rights the well being and safety of individuals flourishes.

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In a world where life relies on homeostasis, moderation is essential. Addiction, mental illness and disease can all be attributed to an excess or deficiency of something. Love is the exception; more only enhances one’s life where too little diminishes it.
With growing research that suggests the capacity of animals to feel emotion, humans have the responsibility to be mindful of this. In instances where animals are killed for food/clothing an empathetic approach should be issued. In instances where this can be avoided, it should.
A lifelong appreciation for science and art fosters a wonder in the world. Continuing to question what you believe through science and expressing yourself through art creates an ideal venue to maximize the intellectual and emotional growth of a person.
Air, water and food literally make up the cells that we refer to as “I”. An acknowledgment that a polluted environment equates to a polluted mind and body is a truth that will help us overcome certain self destructive behaviours.
Deceit destroys relationships. Since humans are social creatures healthy relationships are vital to their well being and therefore deceit should be avoided. Moreover, trust in institutions (government, religion, media, other cultures/states) is essential for peaceful coexistence.