Pasquale Franzese

5 Beliefs discovered

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Because this is what my father taught me when I was a little more than a toddler. It remembers me that a free man has to take decisions which can only be made if he knows the reason of what is happening and can therefore envision the consequences of his actions.
Because every day you can learn something new and you don't even know how usefull it can be unless you already know it. A slow but constant enhancement will make you a great person with little effort.
This is actually the foundation of scientific method. Knowledge should not be taken for granted but always re-evaluated critically because every idea we have was transmitted by a fallible source, with fallible means into a fallible recipient. Even our memory can betray us.
In most of the discussions I had about anything, I discovered the most of the disagreement on matters of fact was that the same words were associated to different meanings. Never take for granted that you understood what a stranger means.

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The mind is unreliable. Our attention wavers around, distractions are everywhere and remembering our premises is hard. Putting stuff on paper makes easy to take a good decision and to examine a subject.