Paul Meernik

4 Beliefs discovered

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Moses felt (top 3) the flourishing of his tribe depended on their being submissive and allegiant to a common entity (God). In our world, in which the strength of mankind’s resonance is straining the web of life on which we depend, it is LIFE that needs to be our common focus.

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Life is inherently competitive, but that doesn't mean it is OK abuse ourselves, our neighbors, or the other species with whom we share this planet. Subject to the priority of #1, we should be as nice and gentle as possible, knowing that at times sacrifice is necessary.
The physics of the universe are consistent and thus patterns are discernible by those who are observant.

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Better understanding usually means we can do a better job anticipating the future. Better anticipation, in turn, leads to better decisions in general and, specifically, in regards to #1 and #2 (i.e., "LIFE" and "Be gentle; be nice.")