Shaun Reemeyer

9 Beliefs discovered

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Be open to new ideas, to feedback from family, friends, and strangers. Be open to facts and opinions that differ from your what you know or think. Be open in sharing your own ideas and thoughts. Open your heart and mind.

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Care for everyone and everything. Care for family, friends, kids, elderly, strangers, and anyone in need. Care for the environment, flora, fauna. Care about events happening locally and globally.

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Appreciate what you have. Appreciate the life you have and use it for good. Appreciate family, friends, society, and the world. Say please and thank you and appreciate the small and big things that people and the environment do for us every day.

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Listen to colleagues, elders, kids, family, and friends. Absorb and understand the meaning behind what they are telling you. Listen and Understand laws, facts, science, politics, news and events happening around you and globally.

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Think critically about all information you hear and read and repeat/share that information which is backed by scientific research. Think critically about your life and how you interact and influence those around you.

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Better Yourself by improving every aspect of who you are every day. Learn, read, experience the new, help yourself by helping others. Improve your mind, your heart, and your health.

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Always work together in a positive way. Look to include everyone. Set selfish thoughts and needs aside and know that by working together we can accomplish anything.

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Nurture and Grow your children, family, friends, others, and the environment. Help them to understand, learn, and grow.

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Cultivate yourself to embrace change and not fear it. Know that with change comes greater understanding and the advancement of the human race and our planet.