Sheila Banning

10 Beliefs discovered | 2 Totals Votes

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You don't need a supernatural being to make moral choices.

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Material goods should be useful, beautiful, or bring you pleasure.

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The only true blasphemy is calling something blasphemy - and killing people for it.

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This is your only life - keep that in mind.
Safe reliable contraception has been available for several generations. If you cannot personally feed, clothe, house, and educate a child right now, don't have one.

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Not only should you not kill, you should not batter, assault, bully nor direct physical or verbal aggression against another except in defense.
Your chosen bonds should be nourished and illuminated with honesty and openness.

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Theft of that which has been legally acquired or personally created is wrong.

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Deceit will eventually destroy you; honesty will liberate you.
Envy is poison and success is not a zero sum game.