Stephen Goldin

I am an atheist science fiction and fantasy writer (author of POLLY! and ASSAULT ON THE GODS) who thinks and writes about the human condition. ,San Ramon, California, USA

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The human mind and the human spirit are vast. Though there are many obstacles in the path of progress, we should never doubt our ability to overcome them.
Many disasters happen through natural causes, but the worst and most enduring are caused by human beings. Greed, hatred, and intolerance create problems that last long after natural disasters have faded from memory. We must overcome our worst flaws to make a better world.

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Life is a series of tests. If you fail, you try over again until you get it right. If you succeed, you're rewarded with another test. You keep moving forward. That's what it means to be human. If you stop moving forward, stop striving, the parade of history passes you by.
The worst misunderstandings occur when one person puts his own needs and desires ahead of other people's. By respecting someone else, even if you don't agree with them, you behave in an ethical manner.

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Never be afraid to challenge conventional wisdom. The world moves forward because some curious person looked at what others "knew" and asked, "Why?"

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If you only accept what people already know, you'll never learn anything new. Only by constantly pushing beyond the boundaries of fossilized dogma can we hope to learn new truth.
Because the universe is constantly evolving, "knowledge" learned by rote long ago may now be obsolete (if it was ever true in the first place). Constantly exploring old truths is the only way to make sure they're still valid.
Morality is the rules of the society around you, and it can change as you move from one culture to another. Ethics is a set of internal rules, and it follows you around everywhere. Your ethics define who you are, in bad times as well as in good.

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Some people put their faith in the supernatural good will of unseen forces. It's better to do everything in your own power to accomplish your goals--and when you run out of things to do, find other good things to accomplish. Don't wait around for divine intervention.