Tim Challenor

9 Beliefs discovered

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Beliefs are potential facts lying on a probability gradient. If you hold a belief as fact, or communicate it as though it were a fact, you may delude others by unwittingly deluding yourself. However you may also encourage others to search for the truth with you.
A passion for truth can hurt both yourself and others. Be careful with it, and invite others to be critical of it.
Show them that your beliefs are merely facts pending observation, experiment and test. Don't call this "scientific method". Call it common sense.
Many people are shy of maths; nobody wants to be thought of as stupid. But the wonders of our universe are only to be glimpsed without a mathematical view. Its hard, but you can explain things in graphical ways too.
We all grow more different with each second. Some of us know things that can help others in need. What help do you need right now? First aid means "whatever action is appropriate to stem the harm or damage".

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Someone may be paying attention.

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So others may follow. Doing what you know to be right and correct is important, even when you think it may not be, and especially when you think nobody else will know. Its part of your character.

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We all learn in the same ways. But some of us are not especially good teachers and so some of us are frightened to learn.