Dorothy Hanna

5 Beliefs discovered | 7 Totals Votes

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Being cavalier with the trust of others may cause you to loose that trust, and is difficult to regain. Lost trust diminishes relationships, respect, confidence, and sharing, and communication.
Being kind, and helpful causes the world to function much more smoothly, and creates joyfulness, eases tensions, improves relationships, and activities, as well as makes tough situations easier to handle. It also lessens feelings of loneliness, and isolation.

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Many seek perfection or have the idea of making, or becoming perfect, and never realize that perfection is not at the end of a process, but is the process itself. Life, ongoing, cycles, and balancing, ebbing, and flowing.
The children are the future of the world. The condition of the children is an indication of the world to come. Teach your children well. Kindness, humility, skillful, well educated, well balanced, and healthy. Invest in your children for the betterment of the world.