FC Atheist

5 Beliefs discovered | 8 Totals Votes

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Saying "I don't know" when you don't know is simply being honest. It doesn't help anyone to pretend to know things that you don't know.
Beliefs are only as good as the information that they are based on. If the available information changes, or was originally misunderstood, then the beliefs based on the information should change accordingly.
The golden rule may be an OK place to start, but finding out how others really want to be treated takes away any questions. They may want a hand to hold, a companion to talk to, or maybe they just want to be left alone. The only way to know for sure is to talk to them.
Morality is not about dictates from holy texts, or from some spiritual authority. Morality is about the consequences of your actions on the world (people, places and things) around you. Evaluations of morality require context.

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Learning happens when we ask questions. And the answers should always be supported by evidence.