Heather Williams

10 Beliefs discovered | 4 Totals Votes

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Compassion is the ability to be different from another, and still understand that the other exists. If each of us can balance maintaining the self, and being open to those different from us, our world would be a much better place.
Each of these is required to have the other, kindness needs courage to act. Courage needs to see the diversity in our world as good, not dangerous (otherwise it becomes bigotry). And diversity can only be protected by having the courage, and kindness to act.

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Fear is what motivates us to change, a proper fear of death would make people realize that this life counts. That this is it. Religion dominates humanity by giving us an out from our fear, and lets us hide from it.
Ethical grounding of law is the basis for a society which will not discriminated against members, and that is just. As it stands our society clings to the ideology that has no ethical consistency, and thus should be replaced by reason.
Reason without compassion becomes domination; the whole point of this humanist idea is that. Reason is the knowledge that we must choose to act ethically, compassion is how we align with ideas that make up what it means to have a human heart.

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Speaking out, and demanding change when injustice occurs is an absolute requirement if one is going to attempt to live an ethical life. If you do not speak up when injustice prevails, then you have implicitly approved of it.
Seeing justice done means that you will work against a system that does not protect its people. Rape victims are a good example, as well as the poor, or minorities. Ethically everyone of us should be damned angry that these groups are not fairly protected.
We are each a totally unique being, with one life to life. It is our ethical responsibility to live our lives for our happiness, not for the happiness of others. This specifically applies to social roles, do not be what you are not. Be what, and who you are.
Despite the ethical considerations of these rules, and the fact that they will likely lead to a healthier society...fear, and the hiding of fear will keep people firmly attached to religion. As it stands, we must see that, though still work against it.
The only thing we have a responsibility of action we have before we die is to contribute to the world around us in some way. If planting a garden, making a sonnet, or designing a ship....create something. It is the thing that makes us most human.