Jeff Trag

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The 2 big reasons are that it sets a horrible moral tone about the value of human life that no society can tolerate and it is absolutely impossible to administer it without executing innocent people. It is not acceptable to execute even a single innocent person.
We cannot allow young children to grow up isolated and being taught that other people’s beliefs are inferior and harmful to their way of life or taught that their religion is superior. The emphasis need to be love, peace, tolerance and non violence.
Anything that falls outside of LPTNV principles are completely outside of anything that societies can accept and still be a open pluralistic society with 100% of it's people having equal human rights.
Theocracy is immoral. Governments do not have freedom of religion people do. Religions do not have freedom of religion people do. No coercion of any kind should be allowed in religion. You cannot be born to a religion because what you believe always has to be a personal choice.
The only way to control governments, bullies and religions is through free and open information. Almost all intolerance and subjugation is a result of people being brainwashed by one sided points of view.
No religion has a right to grant itself immunity to criticism. If a religion claims it is the perfect word of God then no criticism can hurt it anyway. The only true religious freedom exists when criticism of religion is allowed and welcomed.
We need to make a world where what other people do means nothing to us if they are not imposing themselves on other people. For example sex in privacy is nobodies business but sex in the street is every bodies business.
Why would someone not renounce hate, fear, intimidation, revenge, intolerance, war? Pose these questions to fundamentalist Muslims and Christians and see if all that they preach can be seen through this lens.
Theocracy can't be moral because people need to be free to choose their religion and practice it in a society that makes no judgments about choices. By definition a theocracy has chosen sides and can not be impartial if it's subjects are opposed to the state religion.
What if that money had been spent on love, peace, tolerance and non violence (LPTNV) propaganda not bombs? Think of the minds that could have been won to LPTNV if for the last 13 years since 9/11/01 we had spent a trillion changing people’s minds instead of killing them.