Marti Roach

7 Beliefs discovered | 4 Totals Votes

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Material acquisition is a bottomless pit and an addition that distracts from our fundamental humanity found in relationship to our self, others and society
Behavior that is hurtful or evil thrives when not confronted. to be fully human, we accept our responsibility to show up and take a stand against it.

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the beauty and mystery of life is that it is all interconnected and valuing all life, not just human life, in the way that your code directs deepens your humanity
recognizing this as a natural truth enables us to dwell more on the positive possibilities of our self and others and deepen the potential for redemption that can support a healthy society

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Life is a journey of realizing this truth. Know this enables many of our most loving, caring and contributory qualities to emerge.

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If we cultivate the ability to think deeply about love and to experience and practice the power of love for ourselves, those closest to us and all others, we realize that the is the root element. as my Mom said God is really Love

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Showing up has many meanings at many levels. When we choose to show up, we are present, we take responsibility, we go for it and we notice a larger dynamic at work than just ourselves. Our true power and life force can only have an effect if we show up.