Paul Aulridge

5 Beliefs discovered | 5 Totals Votes

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When we are no longer terrified of the end, we won't be susceptible to phony beliefs about the afterlife. Religions which contain no heaven often lack extremist members; abandon the afterlife. It doesn't exist, and every moment spent trying to get there is a moment wasted.
Nearly every culture has had its holy men, and in nearly every culture, they are a force for fear-mongering, control, submission, and baseless authority. All they are is self-serving men in suits, and they specialize in selling false hope. Ignore them.
You can't help anybody if you are yourself in danger: from other people, from the elements, from hunger. Help yourself first, and as soon as you are able, help someone else. Have them do the same. In so doing, we eliminate much suffering. "Pay it forward", I suppose.
An ugly truth is almost always preferable to a pretty lie; but there are exceptions. Imagine the man who sheltered the Franks in World War Two. He would lie: "No, Herr Göring; I'm hiding nobody in my home." The consequence for telling the truth would be worse in that case.
This is not a belief. The history of humankind is written in our genes; it's a story that starts on one continent and ends on all the rest of them. We are family, separated by miles and generations--but a family, still. The minor differences are irrelevant.