Rick Baker

6 Beliefs discovered | 10 Totals Votes

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The planet is home to all humans. They should all be able to live their lives in the best and happiest way they can PROVIDED they do not affect or prevent anyone else from doing likewise.
The Biblical "man has domain over the birds or the air .....etc" has led to incredible damage to the earth and all living things on it by encouraging humans to exploit all forms of life for their own benefit. We are part of life on earth, not superior to it.
You can only be truly free when you accept personal responsibilty and not subservience to some imaginary dictator in the sky.

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All life is a result of an endless fight for survival against the environment. Do not make it worse for anyone or anything.

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The wasted effort and money and hardship that is caused by dishonesty adds a MASSIVE unneccessary burden on humanity. If everyone was honest, there would be far more available to assist those who need help the most.
One cannot be truly happy oneself if one knows that there are others who are suffering terribly and who could be helped by society at large.