Rick Thomas

9 Beliefs discovered | 46 Totals Votes

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What we have is what we have. There are no supernatural forces influencing or monitoring your life or anyone else's life.

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As disappointing as it may sound, everything is relative to the conditions, time, place, individual(s) involved. There are no black and white answers that apply in all cases.

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This is not a dress rehearsal. There is no heaven or hell, no past lives to blame or credit. There is no afterlife waiting to reward or punish us for how we live now.

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Nobody can ask more of you. When going through life do what you think is best and do it as if you were signing you name to it.
You are unique. Think for yourself. Listen, watch, read to form your opinions. Be prepared to change them as new information becomes available. However be aware that others, with access to the same information may have reached different conclusions that may not agree with yours.

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Be kind and respectful of others for they are probably doing their best. Nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Allow for that in your dealing with others. Everyone can use a helping hand now and again.

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Don't be deceitful. It can lead to pain and suffering. Don't delude yourself either. Keep your promises. Even when you are trying to protect someone's feelings, the truth in the long run will be less painful than a lie.

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Everyone needs help at sometime or another; some more than others. Help those who need it and then you may be helped in a time where you could use a friend.

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Take time to do what makes you smile. Enjoy life. Dance, sing and laugh (or not) as you please. Life is not meant to be hard. It is however short. Enjoy it while you can. Help others to enjoy it as well, as happiness can be contagious.