Steven Fahey

5 Beliefs discovered | 7 Totals Votes

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There is no evidence that supernatural forces exist and plenty of evidence that humans have only imagined them.
Scientific literacy allows truth and progress to thrive while the lack of it feeds harmful superstitions and endless conflict.
Just as our ancestors created us, we will create the future. Our choices and actions affect what humanity will become. Reward charlatans, thieves, and barbarians and they will thrive. Reward honesty, fairness, and reason and we will have done our part to create a better world.
To think the earth was made for us to exploit, or that God is coming soon to take us away from it is to dangerously misunderstand our situation. We need to value long term environmental health or our species will go extinct.
Evidence and reason are the keys to finding truth. To decide to believe something is true in the absence of sufficient evidence prevents the real truth from ever being known.