Marcos Gogolin

Believer ,Hobart, Tasmania - Australia

10 Beliefs discovered | 3 Totals Votes

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Likewise darkness is the absence of light, cold/heath, silence/sound, death/life... life is overwhelmingly sustainable, beautiful, healthy and coherent, often incompatible with human greed, selfishness and arrogance.

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It is "easier" (at first at least) to be lazy, arrogant and evil. I takes less energy to cause damage than to repair something; to destroy vs. build; to criticize vs. understand...

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We can look for the evidence that will support our beliefs. In my mother-tongue the equivalent for "free-will" is "livre-arbitrio". Although the significance might be the same today, the origin of the word "arbitrio" has more to do with judgment than will; i.e. free-judgement...
People who practice meditation can do amazing things with their bodies, I don't spend much time with meditation but have had interesting experiments and results regarding 'little' health issues. From aches and strains to inner control and consciousness.
We can transform matter into energy but not the other way around, a similar mystery might be the dialect between our bodies and our souls.
Like bodybuilding, true love or ‘soulbuilding’ takes a lot from us, and make us grow at the same time.
Death can not be part of life as darkness is not part of light; nor ignorance of wisdom -- it may explain why most of us struggle with death.
They inspire and live for others -- the essence of life.
Thus far have not yet found self proclaimed atheists. Many (like myself) will not associate to a religion, like Vaclav Havel -- who also said "The existence of a higher authority than man himself began to get in the way of human aspirations".
Our believes and 'searches' for the truth are subtly subservient of our will and choices.